Welcome to Ms. Ruback's World History I site. This site is designed to keep Freshmen (and parents) updated on readings, announcements, homework, and other assignments. Please check this site regularly to view and/or download the weekly homework sheets, readings, handouts, or other documents.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ZAP-"Zero's Aren't Permitted"

This is a program that is designed to push our students to commit the idea that success in our classes is grounded first in regular and thorough homework completion.

What happens if a student does not complete homework?
• he or she will be required to remain after school either that day or the next to complete the assignment

What is the purpose of the ZAP program?
• In staying after school, the student will receive help from the student and this will prevent the student from having a “zero” on his or her homework record and to ensure that the material we are studying and practicing is addressed. When a student decides not to complete his or her homework, or forgets it, it will be done under that understanding that an after-school requirement will be assigned. That completed work will work will not get full credit, but it will not be a zero, which can be devastating to a student’s grade. The point, however, is not to have students after school in punitive situations. Rather, we are hoping students will elect to complete their homework on time, as it was intended.

What if a student needs help to get complete the assignment?
• So to provide the opportunity to avoid the costly zeros or decreased credit for late work, students can elect to come for “pre-zap” periods after school or during X block. This way, if understanding is getting in the way of homework completion, or time management, they can get the necessary attention from their English or History teacher. .

What if a student plays a sport/is in the play and is not available after school?
• ZAP is held during the designated “Z” block (2:25-3:00). All after school activities start after this time.

Can X block be used as a “ZAP” period?
• No, this time period may only be used a “pre-ZAP” study period.

Can ZAP periods be served with Resource or Study Teachers?
• No, they must be completed with Ms. Ruback or Mr. Moran.

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