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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why is the Aryan Invasion Theory So Controversial??

Here are some major points we covered in class this week:

The Aryan Invasion Theory was originally devised in the 19th century. It traces the history of Hinduism to the invasion of India's indigenous people by lighter skinned Aryans around 1500 BCE. The theory was reinforced by other research and became the accepted history of Hinduism around the world (even in India).

Here are some controversial facts I would like you to think about:

  • The theory is based on archeological evidence; the theory has not been adapted to fit the conclusions from more recent artifacts.
  • The theory suggests that India's culture and religion came not from indigenous people, but from foreign invaders.
As we go forth in our India Unit, I would like you to think about the evidence you have learned about to make your own conclusions about how this story should be presented.

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