Welcome to Ms. Ruback's World History I site. This site is designed to keep Freshmen (and parents) updated on readings, announcements, homework, and other assignments. Please check this site regularly to view and/or download the weekly homework sheets, readings, handouts, or other documents.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you so much for your honest questions. Please let me know if I left any pertinent questions off. I want to make sure you have all of your questions answered! Here are the answers to a few that popped up more than once:

What do we need to do to prepare for the summer reading quiz?
Please review characters, plot, theme, and main idea. I will be giving you a study guide in class this week.

What if I didn’t do summer reading?
Please complete it as soon as possible. Your in-class quiz will be this Friday, September 11th.

If you are sick, and could not get a copy of the assignment- will you get ZAPed?
No, you will always have an extra day to complete the assignment. In most cases, you will have access to the homework calendar and will be able to keep up with assignments or at least know what they are.

How often will we have quizzes and tests?
We will have a test at the end of each unit, typically every 3-5 weeks. You will always receive a study guide and have time to review in class. Quizzes will happen more frequently, often when we finish a major theme within the unit.

Will we have a final exam at the end of the year?
Yup-but you do not have to worry about this yet!!

Can you get a 100% on participation?
Of course. Sit up, add to the class, respect your classmates and stay engaged in the material!

If we need help where can we find you?
If you know you need to see me, let me know in class and we will set a up a place where you can find me after school. Always check my cubicle in 245 first, then look in the rooms where I teach (174 and 246).

What is the Freshman Research Project?
This is a large research project that we will work on for a month. This is the only thing we will work on during this time period. You will get to pick your topic and we will work together on how to develop a thesis statement, evaluate sources, complete research, and begin academic writing. This will likely happen fourth quarter.

Will there be any pop quizzes?
Yup--this will be a way that I will sporadically check that your did your homework. You will always get to use your notes.

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