Welcome to Ms. Ruback's World History I site. This site is designed to keep Freshmen (and parents) updated on readings, announcements, homework, and other assignments. Please check this site regularly to view and/or download the weekly homework sheets, readings, handouts, or other documents.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita

The Mahabharata is a rich piece of literature admired worldwide, as well as a sacred text for more than 1 billion Hindus. The Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita began as oral stories, passed down through the centuries by religious sages as well as popular entertainers, and were codified many centuries later.

There are few deities more popular in Hinduism than the avatar of Vishnu known as Krishna. For many centuries, Hindus have graced their temples and homes with images of the central figure of the Bhagavadgita. A symbol of the personal manifestation of god, Krishna has also been revered as an example of the love human beings may experience if they center their lives around spiritual pursuits



Friday, September 25, 2009

The Untouchables

National Geographic has published an excellent gallery of images, video and testimony Linkabout the current state of the caste system in India. As we learned in class, discrimination against India's lowest Hindu castes is technically illegal. But life is extremely hard for the 160 million "Untouchables" currently living in India.

To explore more about this topic, please check out National Geographic's Gallery on their website.

By Tom O'Neill Photographs by William Albert Allard


Hindu Slide Show

Mandala Assignment: Due Wednesday for E, F, H. Due Thursday for G


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hinduism: Why So Many Gods?

Here is the article that is due on Friday. You received in in class, but please click here to download it from "Hinduism Today". You are responsible for section 1: "Why are there so many gods?". Please actively read article and complete the questions that are posted below.

Hinduism Many Gods

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why is the Aryan Invasion Theory So Controversial??

Here are some major points we covered in class this week:

The Aryan Invasion Theory was originally devised in the 19th century. It traces the history of Hinduism to the invasion of India's indigenous people by lighter skinned Aryans around 1500 BCE. The theory was reinforced by other research and became the accepted history of Hinduism around the world (even in India).

Here are some controversial facts I would like you to think about:

  • The theory is based on archeological evidence; the theory has not been adapted to fit the conclusions from more recent artifacts.
  • The theory suggests that India's culture and religion came not from indigenous people, but from foreign invaders.
As we go forth in our India Unit, I would like you to think about the evidence you have learned about to make your own conclusions about how this story should be presented.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Who composed the Vedas?

Here is the homework assignment, due class two of this week. Please use your reading to complete the assignment. This assignment will be graded and collected.

HW- Vedas Q

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fun News: Golfing on the Roof of the World

For those of you that are interested (especially H block), the tiny country of Bhutan has been getting a lot of press for its stellar golf courses. Check out an article from golf.com and Golf Digest.

Disclosure: I have never been golfing! Or to Bhutan!

illustration http://poulhanslange.com

Chapter 2.3: Indus River Valley Civilizations

Here are my notes (in correct outline form) for our first outlining assignment. Please use this as a template this year.
Ancient India 3.2                                                                                                                            

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How do I outline??

I will post the outline for 2.3 as soon as all classes have completed the assignment.

In the meantime, if you are looking for some help:

Use this template!

note taking template                                                                                                                        

Indus River Valley Civilizations

Here are the "color" pictures of the artifacts that we examined in our Museum Walk in class today. Slides have been added that sum up our conclusions about each of the civilizations.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Map Quiz-CLASS THREE-This Week

There will be a map quiz held during class three this week. This is a "quick quiz" and will not take all block. You will be responsible for locating, labeling, and identifying cities, capitals, and major physical features of South Asia. I am available for "pre-zap" sessions if you would like to study. I will be in Mr. Moran's room Tuesday and Wednesday after school. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please use your political and physical maps to study.

Geography of the Indian Subcontinent

Here is the powerpoint from class one of this week.
India Geography Power Point                                                                                                                           

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Flavor of India: Weekend Homework Assignment

Your first assignment in our Ancient India unit is to read "A Flavor of India" and answer the accompanying questions. Please note that this is a change from the homework calendar. Please write your answers on the sheet. Put your best effort forward and use full sentences and proper grammar. This is due CLASS ONE of next week.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer Reading Quiz

Our Summer Reading Quiz will be Friday, September 11th. The format of the quiz is multiple choice and one written open response. To prepare, please use the chart that you received in class. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you so much for your honest questions. Please let me know if I left any pertinent questions off. I want to make sure you have all of your questions answered! Here are the answers to a few that popped up more than once:

What do we need to do to prepare for the summer reading quiz?
Please review characters, plot, theme, and main idea. I will be giving you a study guide in class this week.

What if I didn’t do summer reading?
Please complete it as soon as possible. Your in-class quiz will be this Friday, September 11th.

If you are sick, and could not get a copy of the assignment- will you get ZAPed?
No, you will always have an extra day to complete the assignment. In most cases, you will have access to the homework calendar and will be able to keep up with assignments or at least know what they are.

How often will we have quizzes and tests?
We will have a test at the end of each unit, typically every 3-5 weeks. You will always receive a study guide and have time to review in class. Quizzes will happen more frequently, often when we finish a major theme within the unit.

Will we have a final exam at the end of the year?
Yup-but you do not have to worry about this yet!!

Can you get a 100% on participation?
Of course. Sit up, add to the class, respect your classmates and stay engaged in the material!

If we need help where can we find you?
If you know you need to see me, let me know in class and we will set a up a place where you can find me after school. Always check my cubicle in 245 first, then look in the rooms where I teach (174 and 246).

What is the Freshman Research Project?
This is a large research project that we will work on for a month. This is the only thing we will work on during this time period. You will get to pick your topic and we will work together on how to develop a thesis statement, evaluate sources, complete research, and begin academic writing. This will likely happen fourth quarter.

Will there be any pop quizzes?
Yup--this will be a way that I will sporadically check that your did your homework. You will always get to use your notes.

WEEKLY CALENDAR: Quarter 1, Week 2

You will receive a copy of this calendar on Monday.

<WHI 9-7

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ZAP-"Zero's Aren't Permitted"

This is a program that is designed to push our students to commit the idea that success in our classes is grounded first in regular and thorough homework completion.

What happens if a student does not complete homework?
• he or she will be required to remain after school either that day or the next to complete the assignment

What is the purpose of the ZAP program?
• In staying after school, the student will receive help from the student and this will prevent the student from having a “zero” on his or her homework record and to ensure that the material we are studying and practicing is addressed. When a student decides not to complete his or her homework, or forgets it, it will be done under that understanding that an after-school requirement will be assigned. That completed work will work will not get full credit, but it will not be a zero, which can be devastating to a student’s grade. The point, however, is not to have students after school in punitive situations. Rather, we are hoping students will elect to complete their homework on time, as it was intended.

What if a student needs help to get complete the assignment?
• So to provide the opportunity to avoid the costly zeros or decreased credit for late work, students can elect to come for “pre-zap” periods after school or during X block. This way, if understanding is getting in the way of homework completion, or time management, they can get the necessary attention from their English or History teacher. .

What if a student plays a sport/is in the play and is not available after school?
• ZAP is held during the designated “Z” block (2:25-3:00). All after school activities start after this time.

Can X block be used as a “ZAP” period?
• No, this time period may only be used a “pre-ZAP” study period.

Can ZAP periods be served with Resource or Study Teachers?
• No, they must be completed with Ms. Ruback or Mr. Moran.