Welcome to Ms. Ruback's World History I site. This site is designed to keep Freshmen (and parents) updated on readings, announcements, homework, and other assignments. Please check this site regularly to view and/or download the weekly homework sheets, readings, handouts, or other documents.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


All classes will receive this guide in class on day three of this week

WHI Final Study Guide

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekly Calendar: Q4, Week 8

This is our LAST calendar of the year! You will receive a final review packet on Wednesday.

WHI 6-7

Friday, May 28, 2010

Planet Money: Bloody, Miserable Medieval Economics

Here is the last extra credit opportunity for the quarter. Listen to the following podcast from NPR's "Planet Money". Scroll down to under the picture and start listening at 3:17.

For credit, you should answer the following questions in your notebook. This is due by Friday, June 4th.

  • Who actually had local authority in the 12 and 13th centuries?
  • What does the professor equate knights to? Do you agree with his analogy?
  • What was the role of the peasant on the knight's land?
  • What was the purpose of the guild system?
  • Why did the guild system begin to breakdown in the 14th and 15th century?
  • Why was specialization of labor frowned down upon by the guild?
  • Why did the guilds limit the number of members?
  • Why didn't guild members just mass produce their goods to gain wealth?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Q4, Week 4

Your Africa Unit Assessment will be this Friday! You will receive a study guide in class. Here is the calendar for this week. Mistakenly, I only copied one side of the study guide. Here it is in its two page glory.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Extra Credit: Africa Unit

In 2007, former child-soldier Ishmael Beah published his memoir of his harrowing experience of being a child soldier in Sierra Leone. This excerpt, "The Making and Unmaking of a Child Soldier", published by the New York Times, is a small piece of the much larger book, "A Long Way Gone".

Need some extra credit? 1.) Read the article, and 2.) Type up a ONE PARAGRAPH summary. 3.) be prepared to share THIS week with the class.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What is your migration story?

For homework tonight, please think a bit about your family's own migration story. To complete this assignment you will need to talk to some family members. Some of your migration stories will go back generations and some people can write about their own personal story.

Please print out a map that works with the area of the world that your family migrated from/immigrated to. I want you to trace the route of your family (like on the BANTU migration story above. On the back of the map, or on a separate piece of paper, please write a journal entry (from the first person), detailing your migration story.

Be prepared to share with the class tomorrow!

Q4, Week 3,

WHI 5-3

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Schools in the South Sudan

I am always tuned into the news, but the history and story of the southern Sudan has been particularly interesting to me over the course of the last few years. My close friend has been living there for the better part of two years, and my very favorite book, "What is the What?" details the biographical journey of Valentino Achak, who as a "lost boy" escaped the civil war.

The columnist Nick Kristof from the New York times has been writing from the Sudan over the past few weeks. The south Sudan hosted a crucial election last week, The President of the country has been indicted for war crimes, and Valentino Achak has opened an innovative school. Check it out and let's talk.

Africa Mapping

Over the course of the next week, you will be focusing on learning the political boundaries of Africa. To help study, there are a couple of flash based "games" on the web that may be of some assistance. Check it out!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Africa Unit & Q4, Week 2 Calendar

Welcome to the second to last unit: Africa! Obviously, we've already studied parts of African history (North Africa was part of the Roman world--remember the Punic Wars?, as well as part of the Islamic World; and East Africa was involved in Indian Ocean trade just like the 0ther monsoon dependent peoples of that part of the globe).

The textbook sections for this unit will be Chapters 8 and 15. That makes a total of 6 short sections.

The note taking will be centered on a large (11" by 17") map of Africa that will be creating together over the next few weeks. DON'T LOSE IT!

As we are looking at a new continent, we will be mental mapping it, and learning the names of modern countries

Here is our calendar for the week--you will need to scroll down!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Q & A: Headscarves in School

Some of the girls in France meet regularly to discuss their strategy, BBC news

Our key question for Islam Unit, Week 4 Day 2:

How is individual religious expression an element of identity? How is it challenged by actions of government bodies that use their authority to reduce difference in the name of the "public good"?

For those that still have questions on the basis of what is being argued, the BBC has published an informative Q and A section on headscarves in response to the recent French ban. Please check it out--there is also a slideshow with variations within the faith and in different regions.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quarter 4, Week 1 (Week 4 Islam)

WH 4-12
PBS' Frontline has a good explanation of traditions, beliefs, and practices of Islam. Please check it out as you begin to review for your test on Friday.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Women and Islam

Indonesia-Women pray in a mosque in Banda Aceh. Recently imposed
Sharia laws require women to wear headscarves, and the province's newly formed Sharia police have carried out arrests of women who are not properly covered up. Religious conservatism is on the rise in Banda Aceh and some larger towns across the province.

Women covered in head scarves and chadors, Islamic divorce rules favoring men, the view that women should be relegated to the private rather than public sphere--these attitudes and practices subjugate women, say critics. Is Islam inherently discriminatory? What is Muslim women's role in the Islamic resurgence? And what does it mean to be a Muslim "feminist?

To read more, check out some excerpts from "Frontline: Muslims". We will be working with this resource in class next week.

In addition, (Christian Science Monitor, March 5, 2008) "Inside Islam, a woman's roar," tells the story of an Afghan Muslim woman, who uses Koranic verses to justify why women should receive an education. Her efforts follow a long tradition of activists, including Martin Luther King, Jr., who use religion as a powerful tool to advance civil rights.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rwanda Remembered

This week marks a mourning period in the small African nation of Rwanda. Sixteen years ago, the genocide began and raged for 100 days, leaving one million people dead.

To learn more, please visit PBS' Frontline: Ghosts of Rwanda for timelines, video clips, and analysis.

If another "Rwanda" would happen, would the world react differently this time?

Draft: Islam Study Guide

Your Islam Unit test will be on Friday, Aprill 16th. Here is a draft of the study guide. Please keep in mind that it is subject to change as we still have a week of material to cover. Happy studying!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Time Magazine: Sunni/Shitte Divide

Here is the link to the article that we deconstructed in class this week. This is from a Time Magazine article from 2007. Happy reading!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Islam Divided: The Shittes and Sunnis

This homework assignment is due DAY 3. Please do not go ahead, as you need context to understand this reading. This is posted due to a large number of students out of class this week.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Extra Credit Opportunity-The Origins of the Qu'ran

The Boston Globe published an article in Sunday's paper investigating the origins of the Qu'ran.

To read the article, please click here.

Need some extra credit? 1.) Read the article, and 2.) Type up a ONE PARAGRAPH summary. 3.) be prepared to share THIS week with the class.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Inside Mecca

If you missed class today (hello music people!), please check out the video we watched today.
Read accompanying article and I will give you the worksheet to make up on Monday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Please check out these amazing images from 2009's Hajj here. All images from Boston Globe's The Big Picture.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Maps of War: Day 1 homework

Please click here to check the timeline that you made in class today. Read about details of Muhammad's life.

Then, watch the video below.
  • Make a list of all the people that have controlled the "Middle East"
  • Answer in your notebooks: What impact must that list of peoples have had on the region?

Week 1: Islam Unit

WH 3-22

Islam Unit Guide

Islam Unit Guide

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

FRP: Check list

Please use this check list to check to make sure you have completed all the tasks required!

Friday, March 12, 2010

FRP: Updates and Where you should be!

Thank you all for your hard work on the FRP this week. At this point, your outline should be complete (and include proper parenthetical citations and quotes). This weekend, you will complete body paragraphs 1 and 2. Please continue to work on your annotated bibliography in noodle bib.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


On Thursday, we will be meeting in our regular classroom. I will be out, as I have my very last China class!

Please bring to class:
  • FRP binder and ALL notecards
  • Outline (this will be collected by the sub).

This is going to be a working session. You will be peer editing outlines and then working on your project. You will not have access to computers, so make sure that you print everything that you need out.

See you Friday!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MLA In-Text Citations

The following information is from Purdue University's OWL (on-line writing lab).

Basic In-Text Citation Rules

In MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using what is known as parenthetical citation. This method involves placing relevant source information in parentheses after a quote or a paraphrase.

General Guidelines

  • The source information required in a parenthetical citation depends (1.) upon the source medium (e.g. Print, Web, DVD) and (2.) upon the source’s entry on the Works Cited (bibliography) page.
  • Any source information that you provide in-text must correspond to the source information on the Works Cited page.
For specific examples about in-text citations for author-page style, print sources with known author, print sources with no known author, etc please click here for samples

Monday, March 8, 2010

FRP Catch Up!

At this point, you should be caught up with your FRP calendars. If you are behind, or have missed any intermediate check ins, please make sure to catch up tonight.

Tomorrow, students in E and G block must walk into the computer lab with the draft of both their outline and thesis so we can focus on how to work with quotations and citations.

I am available after school for extra help, I encourage you to come see me!

New FRP Rubric

This rubric will be used to grade your final paper. We will go over updates and changes in class.

Friday, March 5, 2010

FRP links: Schism, Vietnam, Indian Ocean Questions

Here is some fun schism stuff. There may be a diatribe of one group against another mixed in but the history is accurate (though perhaps skewed to make their own team "right")

If you are researching the Swahili Coast cities, or if you are looking at Gupta achievements, the following site will be helpful.

Check out this article called Ancient Sphere Where Cultures Mingled --it does a great job looking at the influences on Vietnamese art over time.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FRP check in

At this point, you should have:
  • a minimum of SIX source cards
  • corresponding note cards
  • a complete mind-map
  • organized your evidence into potential categories for thesis.

Monday, March 1, 2010

FRP: Week 2

Reminder: We will be meeting in the Library Media Center ALL week!

Friday, February 26, 2010

FRP: Weekend 1 work

Congratulations on completing your first week of the Freshman Research Project.

At this point, you should:
  • have chosen/been assigned an interesting topic
  • made note/source cards for 1.) textbook 2.) online encylopedia 3.) online database (ABC-CLIO or Daily Life Online)
This weekend you will:
  • make a source/notecard for a web article
  • complete a web analysis sheet for that article
  • PRINT out "bookbag" from your LHS catalog search.

Remember: ALL databases and online encyclopedias are accessible from the LHS library homepage (see link on right side of my webpage). For codes and access info, make sure to get slip of passwords from our librarians.

Have a great weekend! I am proud of the work you have done so far!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FRP: What should I have done thus far Part II

In addition to everything listed in the previous entry, at this point you should:

  • Read about your topic in your text book and make source/notecards that correspond
  • Use ABC-CLIO or Daily Life Online through the LHS library to research your topic. Use one article to make source and corresponding note cards.

That means you know have a minimum of THREE source cards (encylopedia article you brought in, textbook, and on-line data base.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FRP: What should I have done thus far?

At this point, you should:

  • procured a binder to be used only for your FRP project
  • have your parent/s/guardians sign the FRP parent letter
  • read over the topic list and highlighted THREE possible choices.
  • gotten your hands on a stack of notecards--all of the same size.

  • no more than 2 people in each class may do the same topic
  • you should be working on this project a minimum of 30 minutes outside class, every day.
Tonight, you will
  • use an online encyclopedia to research the three topics you chose.
  • add terms to keyword sheet (from class and also below)
  • print and bring to class THREE articles (one from each topic).

Friday, February 12, 2010


When we get back from break, we will be commencing the Freshman Research Project. Please buy/procure a binder, and supply of notecards for your students to use only for this project.

The following letter was sent home on 2/12. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Please stay tuned for more updates.

FRP Parent Letter

FRP Topic Sheet

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010