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Monday, April 26, 2010

Africa Unit & Q4, Week 2 Calendar

Welcome to the second to last unit: Africa! Obviously, we've already studied parts of African history (North Africa was part of the Roman world--remember the Punic Wars?, as well as part of the Islamic World; and East Africa was involved in Indian Ocean trade just like the 0ther monsoon dependent peoples of that part of the globe).

The textbook sections for this unit will be Chapters 8 and 15. That makes a total of 6 short sections.

The note taking will be centered on a large (11" by 17") map of Africa that will be creating together over the next few weeks. DON'T LOSE IT!

As we are looking at a new continent, we will be mental mapping it, and learning the names of modern countries

Here is our calendar for the week--you will need to scroll down!

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