Welcome to Ms. Ruback's World History I site. This site is designed to keep Freshmen (and parents) updated on readings, announcements, homework, and other assignments. Please check this site regularly to view and/or download the weekly homework sheets, readings, handouts, or other documents.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Planet Money: Bloody, Miserable Medieval Economics

Here is the last extra credit opportunity for the quarter. Listen to the following podcast from NPR's "Planet Money". Scroll down to under the picture and start listening at 3:17.

For credit, you should answer the following questions in your notebook. This is due by Friday, June 4th.

  • Who actually had local authority in the 12 and 13th centuries?
  • What does the professor equate knights to? Do you agree with his analogy?
  • What was the role of the peasant on the knight's land?
  • What was the purpose of the guild system?
  • Why did the guild system begin to breakdown in the 14th and 15th century?
  • Why was specialization of labor frowned down upon by the guild?
  • Why did the guilds limit the number of members?
  • Why didn't guild members just mass produce their goods to gain wealth?

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