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Friday, October 23, 2009

Test Corrections

Instructions for Corrections on Tests

1. Corrections must be done on a separate piece of paper, in full sentences. When you pass them in, include your test
2. Corrections are due by Friday, October 30th. Put them on my desk in Rm 245 if you don’t give them to me in class.
3. For multiple choice: Select the correct answer, explain why it is correct. Then explain WHY the other three answers are incorrect. It is not ok to write: it is the right answer because the book says so.” You must analyze why the answer is correct and the others are wrong. One sentence each for A, B, C, and D options.
4. For matching: choose the correct answer and explain why it is correct and why you chose the answer you did.
5. For short answer: You must rewrite the whole answer in full sentences on a separate piece of paper. Rewriting only the part you go incorrect is NOT ok. See me if you can’t figure you what you did wrong.
6. Test corrections earn you points back. How many depends on what grade you start with and how well you do corrections.
7. You must work alone. This is not negotiable. You may not work with a friend, tutor or parent. If I suspect you work with someone on this, you will not be able to make up any points.
8. Questions? See me as soon as possible. You may do corrections on part of the test or all of the test.

Yes, this is a lot of work. But we are talking about a TEST. It is not supposed to be easy. I give test corrections because what is important to me is that you learn the information and are able to communicate your learning. If you are not happy with your grade, do corrections.

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