Welcome to Ms. Ruback's World History I site. This site is designed to keep Freshmen (and parents) updated on readings, announcements, homework, and other assignments. Please check this site regularly to view and/or download the weekly homework sheets, readings, handouts, or other documents.

Friday, February 26, 2010

FRP: Weekend 1 work

Congratulations on completing your first week of the Freshman Research Project.

At this point, you should:
  • have chosen/been assigned an interesting topic
  • made note/source cards for 1.) textbook 2.) online encylopedia 3.) online database (ABC-CLIO or Daily Life Online)
This weekend you will:
  • make a source/notecard for a web article
  • complete a web analysis sheet for that article
  • PRINT out "bookbag" from your LHS catalog search.

Remember: ALL databases and online encyclopedias are accessible from the LHS library homepage (see link on right side of my webpage). For codes and access info, make sure to get slip of passwords from our librarians.

Have a great weekend! I am proud of the work you have done so far!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FRP: What should I have done thus far Part II

In addition to everything listed in the previous entry, at this point you should:

  • Read about your topic in your text book and make source/notecards that correspond
  • Use ABC-CLIO or Daily Life Online through the LHS library to research your topic. Use one article to make source and corresponding note cards.

That means you know have a minimum of THREE source cards (encylopedia article you brought in, textbook, and on-line data base.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FRP: What should I have done thus far?

At this point, you should:

  • procured a binder to be used only for your FRP project
  • have your parent/s/guardians sign the FRP parent letter
  • read over the topic list and highlighted THREE possible choices.
  • gotten your hands on a stack of notecards--all of the same size.

  • no more than 2 people in each class may do the same topic
  • you should be working on this project a minimum of 30 minutes outside class, every day.
Tonight, you will
  • use an online encyclopedia to research the three topics you chose.
  • add terms to keyword sheet (from class and also below)
  • print and bring to class THREE articles (one from each topic).

Friday, February 12, 2010


When we get back from break, we will be commencing the Freshman Research Project. Please buy/procure a binder, and supply of notecards for your students to use only for this project.

The following letter was sent home on 2/12. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Please stay tuned for more updates.

FRP Parent Letter

FRP Topic Sheet

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010